Duties of the Council

As the fiscal branch of government, the Council's major responsibility is approving the expenditures for DeKalb County. The Council's powers include the annual authorization of the county's operating and capital budgets, or levy. In addition, the fiscal body authorizes the issuance of all county bonds.  The County Auditor serves as secretary of the fiscal body.  Council members can be contacted through the Auditor's Office at 260-925-2362 or the the following email addresses. 

Watch Council Meetings

DeKalb County Council Members

David Yarde  - President (at large) dyarde@co.dekalb.in.us
William VanWye - VP  (District 2) wvanwye@co.dekalb.in.us
Bob Krafft  (at large) bkrafft@co.dekalb.in.us
Rick Collins  (District 1) rcollins@co.dekalb.in.us
Richard Ring (District 4) rring@co.dekalb.in.us 260-615-7474
Amy Prosser (at large)       aprosser@co.dekalb.in.us
Amy Demske   (District 3)   ademske@co.dekalb.in.us

Council District Maps


DeKalb County Council Meet the second Wednesday of the month, beginning at 8:30am, in the Commissioners Court on the 2nd floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse, 100 S. Main St. Auburn. For consideration: additional appropriations, transfers, and other business matters.

How YOU can participate in local government

The Council welcomes your participation.

  • Check newspapers for articles or ads of hearings on legislation, zoning matters, the county budget or other issues of special interest to you.
  • Attend public hearings and testify.
  • Write or call your Council Members.
  • Volunteer to serve on one of the county's many citizen boards and commissions.