DeKalb County Government Home PageAirportAssessor's OfficeAuditor's OfficeCentral CommunicationsChild Support EnforcementClerk of CourtsCommunity CorrectionsCounty CommissionersCounty CourtsCounty CouncilCounty Department HeadsDrainage BoardExtension OfficeHealth DepartmentHighway DepartmentHomeland SecurityHuman ResourcesProbation OfficeProsecutor's Office
Department Overview
Personal and Real Estate Property Assessments. This is an elected position.
Assessor Duties
The Assessor has the following basic responsibilities:
- Locate all taxable property in the County and identify the ownership.
- Establish a taxable value for all property subject to property taxation.
- complete an assessment roll showing the assessed values of all property.
- Apply all legal exemptions.
The Assessor provides the following services:
- Maintain Tax Assessment Records for County.
- Real Estate (new construction, change to or removal of improvements).
- Personal Property (business/farm, mobile homes, recreational vehicles).
- Estate settlement (inheritance schedule for beneficiaries, transfer of personal property and financial assets.
- Aerial maps of county with soil type identification.
- Photographs of Dwellings.
- Various forms required to declare personal property value.
- Excise Tax.
- Real estate and Personal Appeals.
- Real estate property assessment records (copies $0.10 each)
- Real estate property assessment fax (copies $0.50 each)
note: fees may be applicable
Department Overview
Financial Manager for DeKalb County. This is an elected position. The Auditor's office maintains all financial records of the county-payroll, claims and budgets.
Duties and Responsibilities of the County Auditor
The County Auditor is responsible for a myriad of duties across all levels of county government. Although the Auditor is best known for the roll of tax assessor, it is only one of the many functions of the office.
- Files all exemptions, including Homestead, Age, Veterans Disability, Geothermal, Property and Tax Abatements Click Here to File Online
- Deed Transfers
- Filing of Real Estate appeals
- Real Estate Transfers and aerial maps
- Commissioner's minutes
- Council minutes
- Employee information
- Ditch Assessments
- Real Estate and Personal assessments
- Tax rates and tax calculations
- Exemptions available
DeKalb County Central Communications began operations in June 2012 by combining three dispatch centers under one roof. Communications from the DeKalb County Sheriff's Department; the City of Auburn and the City of Garrett are now unified and we provide Police; Fire and EMS Dispatching to all agencies of DeKalb County Indiana.
Texting to 9-1-1
Most recently we have begun to accept 9-1-1 text calls from wireless customers who may not be able to speak for various reasons. Callers who can, should always voice call 9-1-1 first but if they can't voice call, then they may use text messages. When using text to 9-1-1 do not use any abbreviations and spell everything out to avoid any confusion. Texting to 9-1-1 is slower than voice calls because the messages have to go through the network, the dispatcher needs to read them and then reply. When providing your location, please be as concise as you can, when providing an address be sure to include the City or Town since there are many duplicate streets names from one community to another.
You can now contact your caseworker via text:
A - D MICHELLE H 260-232-2792
E - L MICHELLE Y 260-267-6713
M - R KRISTINA 260-918-4620
S - Z LORETTA 260-267-5530
Take the Child Support Survey!
We have moved! We are now on the 1st Floor of the Courthouse, directly behind the security desk.
Our Office is open Monday through Friday 8a-4p.
You may also send us an email at Thank you.
Coronavirus Relief Payments and Child Support FAQ
Department Overview
The Child Support Enforcement Department requires all Questions regarding your case to be submitted in writing by fax, email or by writing a letter.
- Child Support Obligation Worksheet
- How to Contact your Caseworker
- Enrollment Forms
- Modification Form for Circuit Court
- Modification Form for Superior Courts I & II
- How to check for Child Support Payments online
- Indiana Department of Child Services
- Self-Help Documents
- Direct Deposit Form
- How to Calculate Arrearage
- Change of Address Form
- Ways to Pay Child Support
- Frequently Asked Questions
![]() |
The Office of Clerk of Circuit Court is established by the Indiana State Constitution to serve as the record keeper for the constitutionally created Circuit Court. The Clerk is elected by the residents of DeKalb County and is limited to serving two (2) consecutive four (4) year terms.
The Clerk is a county elected official who serves as an officer of the court, the manager of court information and the chief financial officer for all revenues collected on behalf of the court. In DeKalb County, there are three Courts: Circuit Court, Superior I and Superior II.
The Clerk is appointed by statute to serve as the Secretary to the County Election Board. The Clerk administers all Federal, State, County, Municipal and Special Elections for DeKalb County.
The vision of DeKalb County Community Corrections is to improve the lives of local offenders to reduce the chance of future recidivism through collaboration with criminal justice agencies, human services partners, community leaders, and citizens.
The mission of DeKalb County Community Corrections is to increase public safety by reducing recidivism and encouraging participants to be productive community members through evidence-based practices, cost savings to the criminal justice system, and enhanced coordination of local adult and juvenile justice systems.
Our Values:
D-irect offenders by motivating
C-onnect to appropriate resources
C-ultivate behavioral change
C-haracter development
Our Motto:
Together we achieve!
Our agencies goals are as follows;
1) To increase community awareness and understanding regarding the benefits and services which community corrections provides by offering programs that provide alternative intermediate sanctions but do not compromise the safety of the community;
2) To increase community support and/or involvement by promoting the development of working relationships with existing and active community service organizations through community service restitution projects within our jurisdiction;
3) To decrease non-compliance and recidivism among incarcerated offenders by pro-actively assisting local penal facilities with the transition of inmates; and
4) To enhance current components and create new components designed to reduce recidivism of adult offenders with the implementation of effective intervention practices that reduce identified risk factors and targets specific criminogenic needs.
President Bill Hartman |
Vice President Kellen Dooley |
Vice President Jim Miller |
County Attorney Andrew Kruse
2023 Commissioner's Ordinances & Resolutions
2025 Commissioners' Meeting Schedule
County Commissioners are elected officials that oversee county activities and work to ensure that citizen concerns are met, federal and state requirements are fulfilled, and county operations run smoothly.
County Commissioners spend time working with and representing people. They attend regular weekly meetings of the county board as well as meetings of the County Drainage Board. County Commissioners also work with constituents and respond to constituent concerns.
Zoning Board Duties
One Commissioner is a member of the Plan Commission -- the county's zoning authority.
DeKalb County Bail Policy & Schedule
DeKalb County Courts
Clerk's OfficePO BOX 230100 S. Main Street Auburn, IN 46706 Phone: (260) 925-0912 Fax: (260) 925-5126 Clerk of Courts Dana Hedrick |
Circuit Court100 S. Main StreetAuburn, IN 46706 Phone: (260) 925-2764 Judge Hon. Kurt Grimm |
Superior Court100 S. Main StreetAuburn, IN 46706 Phone: (260) 925-4723 Fax: (260) 927-4798 Judge Hon. Adam C. Squiller |
Superior Court #2100 S. Main StreetAuburn, IN 46706 Phone: (260) 925-5277 Fax: (260) 927-8540 Judge Hon. Patrick Jessup |
Butler City CourtPO BOX 13120 West Main Street Butler, IN 46721 Phone: (260) 868-2441 Fax: (260) 868-5524 Judge Hon. Richard L. Obendorf |
Duties of the Council
As the fiscal branch of government, the Council's major responsibility is approving the expenditures for DeKalb County. The Council's powers include the annual authorization of the county's operating and capital budgets, or levy. In addition, the fiscal body authorizes the issuance of all county bonds. The County Auditor serves as secretary of the fiscal body. Council members can be contacted through the Auditor's Office at 260-925-2362 or the the following email addresses.
DeKalb County Council Members
David Yarde - President (at large) | | |
William VanWye - VP (District 2) | | |
Bob Krafft (at large) | | |
Rick Collins (District 1) | | |
Richard Ring (District 4) | | 260-615-7474 |
Amy Prosser (at large) | | |
Amy Demske (District 3) | |
DeKalb County Council Meet the second Wednesday of the month, beginning at 8:30am, in the Commissioners Court on the 2nd floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse, 100 S. Main St. Auburn. For consideration: additional appropriations, transfers, and other business matters.
How YOU can participate in local government
The Council welcomes your participation.
- Check newspapers for articles or ads of hearings on legislation, zoning matters, the county budget or other issues of special interest to you.
- Attend public hearings and testify.
- Write or call your Council Members.
- Volunteer to serve on one of the county's many citizen boards and commissions.
Department | Department Head |
Airport Manager | Russ Couchman |
Assessor | Sheila Stonebraker |
Auditor | Susan Sleeper |
Central Communications (Dispatch) | Brian Humbarger |
Circuit Court Judge | Kurt Grimm |
Clerk | Holly Albright |
Community Corrections | Michelle Fosnaugh |
Coroner | Jennie Short |
County Home (Sunny Meadows) | Angela Brown |
Development Svcs/Plan Comm/GIS/Building Dept | Chris Gaumer |
EMS Director | Mark Pepple |
Extension Educator | Elysia Rodgers |
Health Department | Cheryl Lynch |
Highway | Ben Parker |
Homeland Security | Jason Meek |
Human Resources | Dotty Miller |
IS | Jack Smith |
Probation | Michael Lapham |
Prosecutor | Neil Blythe |
Public Defender | Mark Olivero |
Recorder | Leta Hullinger |
Sheriff | Brady Thomas |
Soil & Water | Julie Knudson |
Solid Waste | Steve Chrissman |
Superior Court Judge | Adam Squiller |
Superior Court II Judge | Monte Brown |
Surveyor | Glenn Crawford |
Treasurer | Sandra Wilcox |
Veteran's Service Officer | Ronda Hunkler |
Weights & Measures | Patrick Grant |
The Drainage Board Office is located at 220 E 7th Street, Suite 130, Auburn, IN. Please enter the office through the North East door.
DeKalb County Drainage Board meetings occur every first & third Thursday of the month, beginning at 8:30 a.m., in the Derald D. Kruse Commissioners Court on the 2nd floor, of the west side of the DeKalb County Courthouse, 100 S. Main St. Auburn. This information is also published in the paper.
Click HERE to view Drainage Board Minutes and Agendas
Department OverviewThe five-member Drainage Board consists of: DeKalb County Board of Commissioners: William L. Hartman Kellen Dooley James Miller
Appointed Members: Steve Kelham Bruce W. Bell II DeKalb County Drainage Board DutiesThe DeKalb County Drainage Board manages the construction and reconstruction of all county-regulated drains or proposed county-regulated drains in the county as required by Indiana State Law. The Drainage Board and the County Surveyor have jurisdiction over all county-regulated drains. County-regulated drains are drains that have been established by either the Commissioners' Court or County Circuit Court prior to 1965 or the Drainage Board since 1966. County-regulated drains are open ditches, tile drains, or a combination of both. |
Drainage Board Attorney
Shannon E. Kruse
Attn: Drainage Board
220 E 7th Street, Suite 130
Auburn, Indiana 46706
(260) 415-3785
Check out the Purdue Extension Homepage
Health First Indiana Partners for 2025
2022 Health Department Annual Report
During the COVID-19 federal public health emergency, due to federal requirements, Indiana Medicaid members were able to keep their coverage without interruption.
The most recent federal spending bill ended Medicaid coverage protections, which means Indiana Medicaid will return to normal operations.
Eligibility redetermination actions will begin in April 2023, with a 12-month plan to return to normal operations. Anyone who is currently in one of Indiana Medicaid’s health coverage programs, including the Healthy Indiana Plan, Hoosier Healthwise, Hoosier Care Connect or traditional Medicaid, should take action now to help stay covered. Go to or call 800-403-0864. Click here for more information about these changes.
Links for more information regarding COVID-19
Department Overview
Contact Kathy Rutledge or Kylie Reed at 260-925-2220:
We stop issuing at 4:15 p.m.
Vital records (Birth & Death Certificates)
Water testing information
Genealogy search questions
Scheduling immunization appointments
Scheduling lipid and A1C appointments (both free)
Affidavits of Paternity (done by appointment only)
Affidavits by Amendment (done by appointment only)
Contact Bernie Sukala or Cathy Manuel at 260-925-2220 For:
Contact Debra Krafft or Theresa Overy at 260-925-2220 For:
To schedule TB Testing (Mantoux Test)
Communicable disease investigations
Advertisement for Bids: DeKalb County Board of Commissioners
Notice to Bidders for Professional Services for 2025
How do I find information regarding highway road closings/construction?
Indiana Department of Transportation
100 N. Senate Ave.
Room IGCN 755
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-232-5533
INDOT Road Construction/Closing
Indiana State Police Road Conditions Report
Indiana State Police
100 N. Senate Ave.
Room IGCN N340
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-232-8200
Call Before You Dig
Department Overview
DeKalb County Homeland Security helps protect lives and property by using the four phases of emergency management:
- Mitigation - Continually identifying hazards in DeKalb County by using an all hazards approach. We then help manage the hazards to reduce it's impact during a disaster.
- Preparedness - By working closely with our first responders, elected officials, public health officials, local businesses and local industries to help develop and update emergency plans.
- Response - By connecting our first responders to the extra resources they may need at major emergencies.
- Recovery - By connecting local communities involved in a disaster to state, federal and local resources that can help rebuild and restore it back to it's normal day to day operations.
Indiana Travel Status Map
Click HERE to view the latest travel advisories provided by Indiana Department of Homeland Security.
Current Employment Opportunities
Date Posted | Job Title/Description | Office | Expiration Date |
03/12/25 | 2nd Shift Full Time Housekeeper/Caregiver | Sunny Meadows |
Until Filled |
03/12/25 | 3rd Shift Part Time Housekeeper/Caregiver | Sunny Meadows |
Until Filled |
A high performing County workforce that effectively and efficiently provides public services to the DeKalb County community valued by that community, employees and their families for its service philosophy.
To attract, retain and develop a highly skilled and competent workforce so that County agencies/departments can provide outstanding services to their customers.
If you believe you have the right combination of passion, proficiency and tenacity to join our team, then perhaps DeKalb County Government is the place for you!
To send a resume to be considered for future openings in our various departments, please send it and a cover letter to We keep all resumes and applications on file for one year.
We are located on the 2nd Floor of the DeKalb County Office Building in Auburn, Indiana.
From the DeKalb County Probation Department
If you feel as if you are required to report or required to speak with your Probation Officer at this time please e-mail your officer at the below e-mail addresses. E-mail is the best way to contact your Officer at this time.
If you do not have access to e-mail you can call the main line at (260) 925-2400 and speak with front office staff and they can provide contact information for you to your Officer.
Michael Lapham (Chief Probation Officer):
Ryan Hull (Assistant Chief Probation office, Director of FRC and Vet Court):
Kelly Mattes:
Kelli Heath:
Mark Pomeroy:
Johanna (Joey) Scott:
Jonnie LaRowe:
Bailee Grayless:
Michelle Ford:
Quentin Young:
Thank you!
Mission Statement:
It is the mission of the DeKalb County Probation Department to diligently enforce the Orders of the Court. We will promote the safety and welfare of DeKalb County Residents by striving to reduce recidivism. We will provide opportunities for offender rehabilitation and assist offenders in identifying and enhancing their intrinsic motivation for change and encourage their self efficacy.
Department Overview
The DeKalb County Probation monitors individuals on Felony, Misdemeanor and Juvenile probation.
Services Provided
- Prepare Presentence and Predispositional Reports
- Case management of over 633 individuals on probation.
- Referrals to mental health substance evaluations, monitor completion.
- Services in the children's section includes the management of cases involving truancy, incorrigibility, as well as other status related offenders.
- The adult section of the DeKalb County Probation Department offers a wide range of supervision to adult criminal offenders as an alternative to incarceration.
- Supervision services include drug and alcohol testing, restitution and fee collection.
- Adult and juvenile offenders convicted in Indiana Trial Courts are assessed probation user fees.
- Out of state cases are transferred to DeKalb county are handled on a case-by-case basis regarding the assessment of probation fees.
Department Overview
Official: Neal Blythe, Prosecuting Attorney. This is an elected position.
- Prosecutes criminal cases
- Represents the State of Indiana in the prosecution of criminals
Upcoming Events
- County Commissioners Meeting03/17/258:30 am - 11:59 pm
- Alcohol Tobacco Board03/18/258:30 am - 11:59 pm
- Soil & Water Conservation Board Meeting03/19/258:00 am - 11:59 pm
- Drainage Board Meeting03/20/258:30 am - 11:59 pm
- County Commissioners Meeting03/31/258:30 am - 11:59 pm
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 333-0701
- Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
Staff Email
Staff Login - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 927-8876
- Staff Directory
Contact Us

- Phone: (260) 925-1824
- Fax:
(260) 927-4795 - Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us

County Auditor
- Phone: (260) 925-2362
- Fax:
(260) 925-5948 - Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Business: (260) 333-7911
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-3450
- Fax:
(260) 927-2353 - Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 to 4:00
- Staff Directory
Contact Us

Clerk of Courts
- Phone: (260) 925-0912
- Fax:
(260) 925-5126 - Hours: 8:00a.m. to 4:00pm
Child Support: (260) 925-6595
Civil Division: (260) 925-0912
- Fax: (260) 925-5126
Criminal Division: (260) 925-4575
- Fax: (260) 927-4724
Small Claims Division: (260) 925-1315
- Fax: (260) 927-1331
Traffic Division: (260) 925-4576
Voter Registration: (260) 925-9787 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Executive Director
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 333-0710
- Fax:
(260) 927-4779 - Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; Tuesday: 8:00 am - 2:45 pm; Wednesday: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-2362
- Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Business: (260) 925-2362
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-1928
- Fax:
(260) 333-0242 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-2562
- Fax:
(260) 925-3130 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Director/DeKalb County Nurse
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 925-2220
- Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Highway Superintendent
- Phone: (260) 925-1864
- Fax:
(260) 925-1922 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-1392
- Fax:
(260) 925-9263 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Chief Probation Officer
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-2400
- Fax:
(260) 925-5942 - Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-1863
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-2112
- Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Last Recording of the Day 4:00 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-3365
- Hours: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
District Director
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-5620 x 3
- Hours: 7:30am to 3:30pm
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-2222
- Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us

- Business: (260) 925-2712
- Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-0131
- Fax:
(260) 333-0711 - Hours: Hours: MON, TUE, THUR & FRI 8:00AM to 4:00PM by appointment only. Wednesdays are walk ins, first come/first serve, from 8:00AM to 12:00PM.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 925-9787
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 925-0912
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Contact Us
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 6049Auburn, IN 46706
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
Contact Us
Contact Us
County Courthouse, 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-2712
- Fax:
(260) 925-0060 - Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Director of Human Resources
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 333-0701 x 4100
- Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Director/Zoning Administrator
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-1923
- Fax:
(260) 927-4791 - Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 927-2356
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Director/Zoning Administrator
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-1923
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-3021
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
Contact Us
- Business: (260) 925-9787
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 333-0701 x 4454
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Contact Us
- Business: (260) 333-0701 x 4980
- Staff Directory