Fees for ServicesBudget & FinanceElectionsNetworkEconomic Development CommissionThe History of 911 Service in DeKalb CountyRoles and ResponsibilitiesProperty InformationRedevelopment CommissionElectronically Monitored Home Detention ProgramTREASURER DUTIESAgendas and MinutesPlan CommissionDrainage BoardIndiana Court RecordsBoard of Zoning AppealsNews and AnnouncementsElectionsResidential Work FacilityAssumed Business NameBuildingCost Share ProgramCancellation of Assumed Business NamePretrial ServicesMarriage LicensesPublic Defender BoardTax CalculationsDeKalb County Drainage BoardCHANGE MAILING ADDRESSPlanningCommunity Service Restitution ProgramGISAppeal ProcessCommunity Corrections Advisory BoardProperty Tax DeductionsChild SupportJuvenile ServicesTax Sale InformationWetlandsCommunity Transition ProgramVeteran's CourtSmall ClaimsJury InformationSoil and Water Conservation BoardImmunizationsFood Establishment InspectionsDeKalb County Board of HealthVital RecordsEnvironmental Health
History of 9-1-1 in DeKalb County
For many years only a couple of the Telephone exchanges in DeKalb County offered 9-1-1 service. It was a voice only call so the call takers had to ask for more information. If the caller was not from this area and or a person that did not know their address, responding to their need was difficult, and sometimes involved an Operator to intervene and trace the call for us. That was time consuming, again slowing down any response. Those customers who did not have 9-1-1 service had to dial a 7-digit number to get emergency service, this call was often long distance for the caller.
Richard Ring who was then the EMS Director for the County began the process of developing a County Wide 9-1-1 System sometime in the mid to late 1980's that would service every customer in the county. His efforts were successful and the County Wide Enhanced 9-1-1 system went on line July 1, 1991 at which time, Mr. Ring turned the project over to the 9-1-1 Director for DeKalb County.
The Countywide Enhanced 9-1-1 system was purchased from and installed by what was then the General Telephone Company, now called Verizon. The new Enhanced system not only gave the 9-1-1 call takers a voice contact, but a computer system linked to the call would give information on a screen about the calling party. The name of the customer as well as the address they were calling from would appear on a screen at the dispatchers work area. Information on the screen also included what emergency agencies should respond to the given address for Police, Fire and EMS. Special information could be provided by the resident or company about any special needs at the address such as existing medical conditions, hazardous materials, structure information; small children and any pets that may be present. This information greatly reduced the time needed to get emergency services units responding to the scene. Also provided was a call back number from where the call originated so in case the call was disconnected the call takers could call the party back.
With the ever increasing popularity of the Cell Phones, call takers are once again faced with a voice only 9-1-1 call and now even more callers now calling in and not knowing where they are. As technology grows and due to laws passed by the FCC, the wireless industry and us are now in the process of upgrading the equipment to provide additional caller information on a wireless call. Some of the new information being provided includes the Longitude and Latitude of the telephone being used on the call and also the calling party phone number. With this information, a point can be plotted a digital map that displays to us the location of the caller. We can also call the person back should we get disconnected. This information although not 100 percent accurate, is an improvement over just a voice call and the technology is being improved daily to help better deliver more accurate information. The digital map that we are using is from the County/City GIS Departments using a map that they have developed over the past few years. Their maps include but are not limited to, aerial photographs of all the roadways, and properties located within DeKalb County. The maps also show municipal city limits, waterways, street and road names and they are in the process of displaying the address of each property.
Services provided by the Child Support Enforcement Division of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office include:
- Establishment of juvenile paternity;
- Enforcement of Court ordered child support;
- Establishment and enforcement of UIFSA (Uniform Interstate Family Support Act) cases.
- Establishment of Child Support Orders.
To open a case with this office, you must obtain and complete an application form. The application is available by stopping in this office during the times noted above. After obtaining the application, you must complete the form and return it to the Child Support Enforcement office. You may then request an appointment with one of the Child Support staff members.
The Prosecuting Attorney's Office CANNOT assist in matters of Child custody and/or visitation. If you require assistance with a custody or visitation matter, you must seek advice from a private attorney.
Click the link below to visit the De Kalb County Assessment Data Search Site:
For Property Tax Information from the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance, click the link below:
Electronic Monitoring Home Detention
Initial Install Fees:
If employed:
$75.00 Administrative Fee + $96.00 one week of program fees + $20.00 drug screen = $191.00
If unemployed:
$75.00 Administrative Fee + $360.00 one month of program fees + $20.00 drug screen = $455.00
***All participants sentenced to the Sheriff's Work Program MUST have employment prior to intake to participate in programming
Daily Supervision fee: $12.00/per day
**If Home Detention is being transferred to another supervising county, there is a $150.00 non-refundable fee that MUST be paid PRIOR to any documents being sent to the intended transferring county. Fee does not guarantee acceptance by transferring county. This fee should not be paid until after sentencing has occurred and court allows for transfer.
Home Detention participants will be required to wear and maintain an electronic monitoring device. This device may not be removed by any person that is not DCCC staff. If this device is removed or tampered with, the participants can be subject to additional violations/charges.
To qualify for the Home Detention Program:
A participant may be sent to DCCC per Pre-screen Investigation by Probation, Sentencing Court Order or per attorney's written/emailed request.
Every participant must fill out a Community Corrections application. This application can be located on this website or at DeKalb County Community Corrections, 1000 Potter Drive, Auburn, IN 46706. This application should be completed and returned to DCCC within 5 business days of last court date or date of receipt.
Each participant must be in contact with DCCC to go through an interview process. This will be held in person. Bring sentencing order (if applicable), a valid driver's license or ID card and completed DCCC application (if not already completed).
Once a screening interview is conducted, a participant will be given: Consent to Search, Co-resident and an Employer Notification form. These forms will need to be filled out and returned by a date as directed by the Screening Officer.
The file that is compiled from the screening interview and screening documents will be sent before the Screening Board. This is a group of individuals whom meet every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. (unless there is a holiday and office is closed. Then it will be rescheduled within the same week). Screening Board will decide the placement of Home Detention or Residential Work Facility for each participant. Recommendations will be e-filed with the courts.
If an individual has not been sentenced, it will be at the discretion of the Judge for program placement.
While on Home Detention:
Every participant will be subject to visually monitored random drug testing. Drug test prices will vary between $20.00 - $35.00. Drug test should be paid within a week of the test being administered.
Every participant will be required to complete 1/2 hour (30 minutes) per every one (1) day on Home Detention Supervision with a cap of 80 hours. These hours shall be completed within the first ninety (90) days of supervision or ten (10) days prior to completion date, whichever comes first. These hours must be completed at a non-profit 501(c)3 location.
Each participant will be assigned to a specific Case Manager/Probation Officer. The Case Manger/Probation Officer will work with each person individually to develop specific case plan goals. Participants will be required to meet with their Case Manager/Probation Officer, in person, as required by risk level.
Participants must submit a weekly schedule for every week they are on the program. Schedules should be well thought out and include all necessary stops. Schedules will not be changed once submitted with the exclusion of doctor appointments and/or work overtime (overtime MUST be called in by the employed with a 2 hour advance notice). Schedules are due every Friday no later than noon (12:00 p.m.). If received after the noon hour, sanctions will be imposed.
Participants must submit these documents weekly:
- Community Service timecard(s)
- Contact Sheet(s)
- Pay stub (if paid bi-weekly, must submit bi-weekly)
- Any receipts from gas, grocery, bank, etc. stop(s)
Participants can earn weekly 2 hour passes. These passes are earned by paying weekly fees, turning in required documents and being compliant on the program. Extra passes may be earned by completing Community Service, having a certain amount of negative drug screens and by the assigned Case Manager when working through case plan goals.
Home Detention and Residential Work Facility intakes are ONLY done on Thursday mornings with an arrival time of 8:15 a.m. Participants are not permitted to work the same day as intake.
The office of the County Treasurer is a constitutional office. The Treasurer is elected to serve a four-year term and may not exceed two consecutive terms. The Treasurer is the financial officer of the county and custodian of all money belonging to the County.
- Daily balance of receipts and disbursements
- Monthly financial ledger and statement
- Bank reconcilements
- Collect and disburse inheritance tax
- Collect and disburse excise tax from license branches
- Collect and disburse inn-keeper's tax
- Furnish clearances for Alcoholic Beverage Licenses
- Furnish clearances for transferring titles for mobile homes
- Furnish clearances for moving mobile homes
- Bankruptcy Claims
- Secretary to the County Board of Finance
DeKalb County Plan Commission
Plan Commission meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM, as needed.
Plat Committee meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 8:30 AM, as needed.
**Date and/or time may be adjusted to accommodate schedules. Special Meetings may be called as needed. For the date, time and location of the meeting, please look at the agenda.**
Plan Commission Members:
- Jason Carnahan - Purdue Ag Extension Representative (voting member) - President
- William VanWye - County Council Representative member (annual appt.) - Vice-President
- William Hartman - County Commissioners Representative member (annual appt.)
- Sandra Harrison -Township Trustee Representative member (annual appt.)
- Glenn Crawford/Tyler Lanning (Alternate) - County Surveyor member (member by elected office)
- Jerry Yoder/Jared Malcolm (Alternate) - Citizen member (R)
- Suzanne Davis - Citizen member (D)
- Angie Holt- Citizen member (R)
- Frank Pulver - Citizen member (D)
- Elysia Rodgers - Purdue Ag Extension Representative (non-voting member)
- Andrew Kruse, Attorney
E-MAIL FOR MEMBERS: PlanCommission@co.dekalb.in.us Staff will forward all emails received to the member or members being addressed.
Plan Commission Duties
The powers and duties of the Plan Commission are described below. Duties should be interpreted as activities that are obligations.
Powers should be interpreted as activities that are optional to be initiated.
- Adopt and send to the Board of County Commissioners a proposed DeKalb County Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance as authorized under Indiana State Law.
- Adopt and maintain rules of procedure for holding meetings, holding public hearings, and for the administration and enforcement of the DeKalb County Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance.
- Maintain complete records of all meetings, hearings, correspondences, and affairs of the Plan Commission.
- Publish and make available to the public all plans, ordinances, and other related material that are the responsibility of the Plan Commission.
- Adopt and maintain a permitting process and seal used to certify official or approved documents.
- Certify and submit recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners including new versions of and revisions to the DeKalb County Comprehensive Plan, Unified Development Ordinance, and Official Zoning Map.
- Certify and submit recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners for adopting Planned Unit Development Districts.
- Maintain monetary and fiscal records of the Plan Commission.
- Prepare and submit an annual budget to the County Council.
- Approve or deny plats or replats of subdivisions.
- Approve or deny development plans, final plans and amendments to such plans.
- Approve or deny proposed subdivision names in new developments.
- Approve or deny proposed street names with the guidance of the County Highway Supervisor.
- Establish and maintain a fee schedule approved by the Board of County Commissioners that assigns a fee to permits, processes, and official actions of the Plan Commission in order to defray the administrative costs of such duties and powers.
- Enforce regulations and procedures of the DeKalb County Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance to the extent of the local Resolutions, Ordinances, and State of Indiana Law.
- Other duties as permitted by Indiana State Code.
- Hire, remove, and determine job descriptions for support staff with the Plan Commission Office.
- Establish advisory committees as necessary made up of County officials and the general public.
- Seek funding assistance through grant programs as necessary.
- Distribute copies or summaries of the DeKalb County Comprehensive Plan or Unified Development Ordinance to the general public and development community.
- Determine the compensation for support staff and members as provided within the budget submission to County Council.
Other powers as permitted by Indiana State Code.
DeKalb County Board of Zoning Appeals
- Frank Pulver - Plan Commission Representative (appointed by County Commissioners) - Chairperson
- Jason Carnahan - Plan Commission Representative (appointed by PC) - Vice Chairperson
- Rory Walker - Citizen member
- Andrew Provines - Citizen member
- Wayne Funk - Citizen member
- Andrew Kruse, Attorney
Board of Zoning Appeals Duties
The duties of the Board of Zoning Appeals are described below. Duties should be interpreted as activities that are obligations.
- Hear appeals of decisions made by the Zoning Administrator in his/her administration of the Unified Development Ordinance.
- Hear and approve or deny all applications for special exceptions, development standards variances, and use variances based on the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance and Indiana State Code.
- Discharge the duties of the Floodplain Standards Variance and Appeals Board as noted in Section 1.30 Summary of Duties of the Floodplain Standards Variance and Appeal Board.
- Other duties as permitted by Indiana State Code.
Residential Work Facility (RWF)
DeKalb County Residential Work Facility opened to participants on February 4, 2020. This is a fifty-two (52) bed facility. This facility houses up to forty (40) men and twelve (12) women. This facility is staffed and under audio visual surveillance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Initial Install Fees:
If employed:
$150.00 Administrative Fee + $200.00 eight (8) days of program fees + $20.00 drug screen = $370.00
If unemployed:
$150.00 Administrative Fee + $350.00 14 days of program fees + $20.00 drug screen = $520.00
***All applicants MUST be employed by the date of intake to participate in programming. Participants that are placed in the Residential Work Facility, may not work more than one (1) job while participating in the program.
**If transferring into DeKalb from another county, the administrative fee will be $200.00 instead of $150.00
Daily Supervision fee: $25.00/per day or 25% of net income, which ever is greater
Residential participants are limited to the clothing they are allowed to bring into the facility. Specific clothing must also be worn while in the facility. (See the attachment at the bottom of this page for Required Personal Belongings)
When a Residential Work Facility participant comes in for intake, they will reside at RWF as of that intake date. They will NOT return home until the ordered sentence is complete.
Residential Work Facility participants will be required to wear and maintain an electronic monitoring device. This device may not be removed by any person that is not DCCC staff. If this device is removed or tampered with, the participants can be subject to additional violations/charges.
To qualify for the Residential Work Facility Program:
A participant may be sent to DCCC per Pre-screen Investigation by Probation, Sentencing Court Order or per attorney's written/emailed request.
Every participant must fill out a Community Corrections application. This application can be located on this website or at DeKalb County Community Corrections, 1000 Potter Drive, Auburn, IN 46706. This application should be completed and returned to DCCC within 5 business days of last court date or date of receipt.
Each participant must be in contact with DCCC to go through an interview process. This will be held in person. Bring sentencing order (if applicable), a valid driver's license or ID card and completed DCCC application (if not already completed).
Once a screening interview is conducted, a participant will be given: Consent to Search, Co-resident and an Employer Notification form (Home Detention). The participant will also be provided with clothing, TB and reporting information for the Residential Work Facility. These forms will need to be filled out and returned by a date as directed by the Screening Officer.
The file that is compiled from the screening interview and screening documents will be sent before the Screening Board. This is a group of individuals whom meet every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. (unless there is a holiday and office is closed. Then it will be rescheduled within the same week). Screening Board will decide the placement of Home Detention or Residential Work Facility for each participant. Recommendations will be e-filed with the courts.
If an individual has not been sentenced, it will be at the discretion of the Judge for program placement.
While on Residential Work Facility program:
Every participant will be subject to visually monitored random drug testing. Drug test prices will vary between $20.00 - $35.00. Drug test should be paid within a week of the test being administered.
Every participant will be required to complete 1/2 hour (30 minutes) per every one (1) day on Community Corrections Supervision with a cap of 80 hours. These hours shall be completed within the first ninety (90) days of supervision or ten (10) days prior to completion date, whichever comes first. These hours must be completed at a non-profit 501(c)3 location.
Each participant will be assigned to a specific Case Manager/Probation Officer. The Case Manger/Probation Officer will work with each person individually to develop specific case plan goals. Participants will be required to meet with their Case Manager/Probation Officer, in person, as required by risk level.
Participants must submit a weekly schedule for every week they are on the program. Schedules should be well thought out and include all necessary stops. Schedules will not be changed once submitted with the exclusion of doctor appointments and/or work overtime (overtime MUST be called in by the employed with a 2 hour advance notice). Schedules are due every Friday no later than noon (12:00 p.m.). If received after the noon hour, sanctions will be imposed.
Participants must submit these documents weekly (no later than noon each Monday):
- Community Service timecard(s)
- Contact Sheet(s)
- Pay stub (if paid bi-weekly, must submit bi-weekly)
- Any receipts from gas, grocery, bank, etc. stop(s)
Participants can 2 hour, 4 hour, or 6 hour passes for completion of different goals and requirements. Participants will earn passes as they progress through the phasing process as well.
Home Detention and Residential Work Facility intakes are ONLY done on Thursday mornings with an arrival time of 8:15 a.m. Participants are not permitted to work the same day as intake.
To report suspected sexual abuse or harassment within the residential work facility, email PREA@co.dekalb.in.us.
Assumed Business Name
Under Indiana Code 23-15-1-1, a Sole Proprietorship and General Partnership must file a "Certificate of Assumed Business Name" with the County Recorder of each county in which it has a place of business. For more information on starting a business, please contact the Indiana Secretary of State's Office at:
- Assumed Business Name Form - Click Here
If you are planning to build, add-on, remodel, reconstruct, put in a swimming pool, etc. please contact our office for an explanation of what you will need to streamline your process.
You may also call our office to schedule a building inspection that is needed within our jurisdictional areas.
Review the Building Permits link on the Development Services home page for more detailed information on building permits. Click on Department of Development Services above.
Click HERE to be directed to the Department of Development Services main page.
District Cost Share Program
The cost share program is designed to help non-ag landowners with erosion, water quality and septic problems.
In order to participate in the program, and before any work on a cost-shared practice can begin, an application must be submitted to the SWCD and approved by the DeKalb County SWCD Board of Supervisors. Click here for additional eligibility & procedure information.
District Cost-Share Program Landowner Application/Participation Agreement
Rain Barrel Guidelines
Rain Garden Guidelines
Invasive Tree Removal/Replacement Guidelines
Well Capping Guidelines
Septic Replacement Guidelines
For more information stop by our office or give us a call at 260.925.5620 ext. 3
Cancellation of Assumed Business Name Form - Click Here
Pretrial Supervision Placement
Pretrial Program is set up to help minimize the jail population by determining who is not able to post bond and if they are eligible for supervision by DeKalb County Community Corrections.
Pretrial participants will never be asked any details of their pending case. Pretrial participants are assumed not guilty until conviction/dismissal of the case. If information is provided about the pending case, the supervision officer may be required to relay the information to the Court/Prosecutor.
Pretrial placement is ordered by the sentencing Court. The court will determine if a person is eligible for Pretrial release and will issue an Order for Pretrial Release. This order will be signed by the Judge and participant. This order will require the participant to:
Pretrial Compliance Program- Participant Guidelines and Advisements
All ordered participants shall contact Community Corrections within 24 hours of release from the DeKalb County Jail or as otherwise indicated by their Court Order to schedule an intake appointment.
A Pretrial Indiana Risk Assessment will be completed for each participant.
Participants must report to the Community Corrections office at the direction of their assigned program facilitator.
Participants shall be financially responsible for all costs associated with Court ordered alcohol and drug testing.
Community Corrections will provide the Prosecuting Attorney with status reports as requested
Program Requirements
- Participants will be required to report via telephone or in person to Community Corrections staff in accordance with the Pretrial Release Matrix.
- Participants shall notify DCCC and the Court in writing within 48 hours of any change in address, telephone number or employment.
- Participants shall attend all court ordered/scheduled appearances.
- Participants will provide any documentation confirming voluntary participation in any type of treatment, as well as pay stubs confirming employment.
- Participants must report any contact with law enforcement directly to Community Corrections by telephone within 24 hours of that contact. An arrest for a new offense while participating in this program may result in violation/termination of program placement and/or a modification of court ordered release conditions up to an including the revocation of bond.
- Failure to meet one or more of the program requirements may result in a violation being filed against the participant resulting in termination of program placement and/or a modification of court ordered release conditions up to an including the revocation of bond.
- I shall not leave the state without obtaining approval in advance from my Pretrial Officer.
**The Court can also impose any other special condition as seen fit.
If the participant is not adhering to these conditions, DCCC will file a Notice to the Court informing the Court of the violations. The State/Prosecutor may file for the participants bond to be modified or revoked pending on the violation
Participants will be required to make phone calls into their Supervising Officer as directed at Pretrial intake. Phone calls and face-to-face meetings may be required while under Pretrial Supervision. It will be the participant's responsibility to make the required phone call to their Supervising Officer for check ins.
If a participant is ordered to obtain a substance abuse/mental health evaluation, it must be done at an approved agency within 14 days of release from jail. Any recommendations from the evaluation may be requirement of Pretrial supervision.
Pretrial Service Officer's are the point of contact for possible placement on Home Detention or Residential Work Facility placement. Minimum screening information is required to be screened.
The DeKalb County Clerk’s Office Does Not Perform Marriage Ceremonies
Call 260-925-0912 to schedule an appointment to Apply for a Marriage License
To be married in the State of Indiana a couple must have a marriage license. You may start the application process online at www.in.gov/judiciary/marriage. Starting your application online will save you time in the Clerk’s Office. Both you and your future spouse are still required to complete your application and obtain your marriage license in person at the Clerk’s Office with the required documents.
Call 260-925-0912 to schedule an appointment. Allow a minimum of thirty (30) minutes to complete the application process if you have not started it online.
Both applicants are eighteen (18) years of age or older. Click here for Information Regarding a Marriage License for Applicants UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE.
For Indiana residents, at least one applicant MUST reside in DeKalb County and provide documentation of current residency. Applicants that reside in a different Indiana county may not apply in DeKalb County. Out-of-state residents may apply for a license in DeKalb County ONLY if the marriage ceremony is performed in DeKalb County.
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS – Bring one (1) or more of the following:
Indiana state law (IC 31-11-4-6) requires documentary proof of birth date for each applicant
- Current, valid driver’s license or state-issued ID card which has date of birth and current DeKalb County address
- Certified copy of birth certificate
- Passport
If the applicant does not have an updated driver’s license or if the identification does not provide a current address, applicant must show proof of a DeKalb County address.
You will be required to provide your Social Security Number
If you were previously married, you will need to provide the date your marriage ended.
Indiana state law (IC 31-11-4-4) requires the Clerk’s Office to collect family information from each applicant that will be reported to the Indiana State Library for the purpose of genealogical research. Each applicant will need to provide the following:
- Both parents full name
- Both parents last known address
- Both parents birthplace (state or foreign country)
- Names of dependent children and their date of birth(s)
Indiana residents: $25.00 Out-of-state residents: $65.00
A marriage license is valid for sixty (60) days from the date it is issued, and couples may be married as early as the same day. Couples who do not marry within the sixty (60) days, must apply for a new license before marrying. The marriage license is valid only if the marriage ceremony is performed within the State of Indiana.
A person who knowingly furnishes false information to a clerk of the circuit court when the person applies for a marriage license commits a Level 6 felony.
The Clerk’s Office Does Not Perform Marriage Ceremonies
Persons eligible to officiate over marriage ceremonies may be found within IC 31-11-6.
Ready to Apply?
If you are applying for a Marriage License in DeKalb County, you may start the application process online. While you will still have to appear at the DeKalb County Clerk’s Office to complete the process and receive your Marriage License (as required by Indiana law), starting your application online will save you time at the Clerk’s Office.
Please call or visit our office if you are planning to build, add-on, remodel, develop, re-zone, start a business, etc.
We will assist you in the process using the guidelines of the DeKalb County Unified Development Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan.
Review the Improvement Location Permits link on the Division of Development Services home page for more detailed information.
Click HERE to be directed to the Department of Development Services main page.
Community Service Restitution
- Community Service MUST be completed at a nonprofit, 501(c)3, location
- Community Service Hours MUST be logged on a DCCC Community Service time card
- Community Service time cards are REQUIRED to be turned in, no later, than the last day of each month until hours are completed (this applies for Probation referral cases. This does not apply to HD/RWF participants as they turn their timecards in weekly as directed)
- Community Service time cards can be submitted VIA fax (260-927-4779), email (dccc@co.dekalb.in.us), or physically to Community Corrections
- Community Service Hours MUST be signed by supervising employee at the nonprofit organization
If you are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization seeking workers, please contact 260-333-0710
A participant must be referred by assigned Probation Officer to sign up for the Community Service Program. Participants will not be signed up on the Program without a referral from the assigned Probation Officer.
The assigned Probation Officer will send a referral and the Rules of Probation to Community Corrections. The number of hours ordered will be located on the third (3rd) page of the Rules of Probation that are signed by the Judge.
The participant will have to come, in person, to Community Corrections to complete the Community Service intake process.
The participant will be given 120 days (4 months) to complete the court ordered Community Service hours.
The participant will be responsible for paying the Community Service fee. This fee is $1 per every hour of Community Service ordered with a minimum of $25, whichever is greater. Example: 40 hours of Community Service = $40.00 OR 8 hours of Community Service = $25.00
The participant will be required to turn in a monthly Community Service Timecard. EVEN IF ZERO HOURS HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, A TIMECARD MUST BE SUBMITTED. Timecards are due on or before the last day of each month, regardless of the date of intake.
If a participant fails to turn in two (2) timecards while they are signed up on the Community Service Program, they will be terminated due to noncompliance of the Community Service Agreement.
Timecards must be signed by the supervising officer at the Community Service location. Timecards are never to be filled out by participants.
GIS - Geographical Information System
Contact us if you need assistance with locating an address, voting district, school, zoning district, subdivisions, parcel data, etc.
DeKalb County GIS offers a wide range of data on our public Beacon website.
If you can't find what you are looking for on the public map, please contact us and we would be glad to assist you with any of your mapping needs.
Click HERE to be directed to the Department of Development Services main page.
The Advisory Board Shall:
(a) Actively participate in the formulation of the Community Corrections Plan and Applications for Financial Aid required by State law;
(b) Observe the operation of Community Corrections of DeKalb County;
(c) Make an annual report to the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners containing an evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs receiving financial aid and recommendations as to improvements, modifications, or discontinuance of these programs.
(d) Make recommendations to program receiving financial aid concerning compliance with standards adopted by the Department of Corrections;
(e) Recommend to the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners the approval or disapproval of contacts with units of local government or non-governmental agencies who desire to participate in the Community Corrections plan;
(f) Appoint a program Executive Director subject to the approval of the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners;
(g) Employ staff necessary to carry out the Community Corrections program; and
(h) Make recommendations to the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners regarding the acquisition and disposition of property and office space to be used in furtherance of instituted programs.
The DeKalb County Clerk’s Child Support Division is located on the 2nd floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse, 100 S Main Street, Auburn, Indiana. If you have questions regarding child support, you may call the Child Support Division at 260-925-6595. The office is open Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
Support Modifications
The Clerk DOES NOT have the authority to modify your payment schedule. Your payment schedule cannot be modified without a Court Order. If you need to modify a Support Order or determine arrearages, please consult an attorney.
Cash Payments
These are the ONLY payments that may be made in person at the Clerk’s Office.
DeKalb County Courthouse
Clerk of Circuit Court
100 S Main St
Auburn IN 46706
Child Support Enforcement 260-925-3450
(Title IV-D Office, a division of the DeKalb County Prosecutor’s Office)
General Information about Your Case 1-800-840-8757 (KIDS Hotline)
The KIDS Information Hotline is a voice response system operated by the Family and Social Services Administration, Division of Family and Children – Child Support Bureau. The KIDS system can be reached through your telephone and allows access to general information about child support programs as well as specific support payment and court order information as stored on the Indiana Support Enforcement Tracking System (ISETS). Information regarding child support payments posted by both the Clerk of DeKalb Circuit Court and the State Child Support Bureau can be assessed through the KIDS system.
Support Payment History Record
A history of all payments received on a case may be obtained for $0.10 per page. Indiana State law requires an additional $3.00 fee per page if the history must be certified. Information concerning child support may be confidential therefore a photo ID may be required when obtaining a payment history in person at the Clerk’s Office.
Name or Address Change
In order to provide you with the most efficient service, it is very important that support payors and support recipients inform the Clerk’s Office of any changes in name or address. You will be required to provide the following information:
- Your Court Case Number
- Date of Birth
- Social Security Number
- Former Address and New Address
- Signature
- Photo ID
Information For Persons Making Child Support Payments
Information For Persons Receiving Child Support Payments
Indiana Rules of Court - Child Support Rules and Guidelines
Indiana Rules of Court – Parenting Time Guidelines
CHANGE Academy
DeKalb CHANGE Academy is located at 500 North Street, Suite 1, Auburn, IN 46706
For more information about the program, please see brochure link at the bottom of the page.
Juvenile Home Detention
Initial fees:
$75.00 Administrative Fee + $52.50 one week of program fees + $20.00 drug screen = $147.50
Daily fee: $7.50
A Juvenile may be placed on Home Detention by the presiding Judge. The Judge will make the recommendation for how long the Juvenile will be on Home Detention.
The Juvenile and Guardian will be required to meet with the assigned Case Manager, in person, as required by risk level.
Weekly 2 hour passes may be available. These passes are earned by paying weekly fees, turning in required documents and being compliant on the program. The Court may deem passes inappropriate and will not be an option.
While on Home Detention, it is permitted that a Delinquent Child may be employed at a DCCC approved location.
- Absolutely no weapons-Firearms, explosives, ammunition, knives etc. in house or on property. (Including any weapons kept in safes.)
- Absolutely no alcohol, drugs, paraphernalia kept in home.
- Consent to search of entire home and property- not just the juvenile’s room.
- Juvenile must have access to cell phone. The phone does not need to have data.
- Juvenile will submit a weekly schedule and DeKalb County Community Corrections will approve the schedule. Juvenile MUST remain inside the home at all times, unless approved by DeKalb County Community Corrections.
- Juvenile will provide random and for cause drug screens
If you are inquiring about a CTP participants’ eligibility, DCCC receives referrals from Department of Corrections, when the inmate is eligible to be considered for CTP placement.
Once DCCC receives the referral from the prison system, DCCC will begin the screening process. DCCC will reach out to the participant and conduct a phone interview in IDOC. Once this is completed, the file will be reviewed by the Screening Board for approval/denial.
- All CTP participants are required to be electronically monitored whether on Home Detention or in the Residential Work Facility.
- They shall submit to all testing including urinalysis and pass all drug tests.
- They must also agree to abide by all program rules.
- They must have a cellular telephone or arrangements must be made to obtain one within a week of their arrival.
- They will be required to pay a daily supervision fee (after 14 actual days on supervision) and pay for all drug tests.
- They will be required to find employment and work toward case plan goals.
Once eligibility has been determined, DCCC will contact the Courts and the prison system with the eligibility determination.
If you have any further questions, you can email dccc@co.dekalb.in.us.
All felons with a sentence of at least two years, who are residents of Indiana, do not have detainers or warrants, meet the time requirements of statute, and have at least 30 days to serve.
- Offenders convicted of an A or B felony (if offense was committed before July 1, 2014), or a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 felonies (if the offense was committed on or after July 1, 2014) may serve up to 120 days prior to his/her EPRD on CTP if approved by court order through the sentencing court.
- Offenders convicted solely on an A or B felony (if offense was committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or Level 4 felony (if the offense was committed on or after July 1, 2014) under IC 35-48-4 and/or IC 16-42-19 may serve up to 180 days prior to his/her EPRD on CTP if approved by court order through the sentencing court.
- Offenders convicted of a C felony (if offense was committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 5 felony (if offense was committed on or after July 1, 2014) may serve up to 90 days prior to his/her EPRD on the Community Transition Program if a court order of denial is not entered by the sentencing court.
- Offenders convicted solely on a C felony (if offense was committed before July 1, 2014) or Level 5 felony (if offense was committed on or after July 1, 2014) under IC 35-48-4 and/or IC 16-42-19 may serve up to 120 days prior to his/her EPRD on CTP if a court order of denial is not entered by the sentencing court.
- Offenders convicted of a D felony (if offense was committed before July 1, 2014) or a Level 6 felony (if offense was committed on or after July 1, 2014) may serve up to 60 days prior to his/her EPRD on CTP if a court order of denial is not entered by the sentencing court.
Mission Statement
The mission of the DeKalb County Veterans Treatment court is to recognize, acknowledge service, and enhance public safety by providing a judicially supervised regimen of substance use disorder and/or mental health treatment to justice-involved veterans with goal of returning restored law-abiding citizens to the community and thereby closing the “revolving door” to the criminal justice system.
The DeKalb County Veterans’ Treatment Court began serving veterans in DeKalb County in March, 2018 as an alternative to traditional case processing of veteran offenders. The veterans’ court targets offenders who meet the eligibility criteria. It is a voluntary program in which eligible offenders participate in an intense, multi-phase treatment program, submit to frequent drug testing and attend self-help meetings while under the supervision of the veterans’ court judge. Participants must attend services for a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of 36 months. Successful participants will have their charges dismissed, have their felony reduced to a misdemeanor or they will not have a further sentence imposed.
The DeKalb County Veterans’ Treatment Court is a docket within DeKalb Circuit Court. The Honorable Kurt Grimm presides over the Veterans’ Court. The administrative office of the DeKalb County Veterans’ Treatment Court is located in the DeKalb County Probation Department. Veterans’ Court is in session every other Thursday afternoon. Veterans will be scheduled to appear in court as ordered by the court.
DeKalb County Veterans' Court Team Members
DeKalb County Veterans’ Court Team members are, in front, from left, DeKalb County Sheriff David Cserep; patrol Deputy Bret Parker; case manager Nickolas Spade; case manager Luis Loera; DeKalb Circuit Judge Kurt B. Grimm and defense attorney Adam Squiller. In back, from left, are DeKalb Superior Court I Judge Kevin P. Wallace; DeKalb County Prosecutor’s Office investigator Lonnie Lanning; DeKalb County Chief Probation Officer Michael Lapham; assistant chief probation officer Ryan Hull; pre-trial services coordinator Quentin Young; DeKalb County Prosecutor ClaraMary Winebrenner; and DeKalb Superior Court II Judge Monte L. Brown. Team members not pictured are deputy prosecutor Joshua Byanski; veterans’ justice outreach specialist Rita Wynn; and Tamara Goodman of the Fort Wayne Vet Center.
Leadership in Soil & Water Conservation
DeKalb SWCD Supervisors' monthly board meetings are held at the USDA Service Center Conference Room on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. The meetings are open to the public. Anyone is welcome to attend.
DeKalb County SWCD is a subdivision of State Government. It is governed by five supervisors, three elected and two appointed. To be eligible a supervisor must be a resident of DeKalb County.
Soil & Water Conservation Districts provide the public with information, education and technical assistance on soil, water and related natural resource conservation, identifies and prioritizes local natural resource concerns, and connects landowners with conservation concerns to sources for technical and financial assistance.
Indiana 2023-2024 Required & Recommended School Immunizations
Recommended Immunizations for Children from Birth - 6
January 27th 7:00 p.m.
April 28nd 7:00 p.m.
July 28nd 7:00 p.m.
October 27th 7:00 p.m.
Public Speaking at Board of Health Meeting policy, as of October 23, 2023
- The speaker must submit name and phone number to a Board member no later than two weeks before the meeting. The speaker must be available for the chairperson to call and vet the topic.
- A three-minute time limit to speak.
- The number of speakers will be at the discretion of the chairperson.
ANDREW DIRCKSEN, DVM | Board Chairperson | Veterinarian | ||
EMILIO VAZQUEZ, MD | Vice Chairperson | Medical Doctor | ||
JUSTIN CLARK | Public | |||
PHILIP CHASE, MD | Medical Doctor | |||
JANIS ARRINGTON, RN | Registered Nurse | |||
MARK SOUDER, MD | Advisor to Board | Health Officer | ||
ZACHARY LIGHTNER | Advisor to Board | Attorney |
Vital Records
The Vital Records division is charged with the registration, maintenance and issuance of birth and death records for DeKalb County. This office provides certified copies of birth and death records for events occurring in DeKalb County and is available from 1882 to present.
A certified birth certificate is the legal registration of a birth and is only issued by county or state government. Persons must obtain their birth certificate from the county in which they were born or through Indiana State Department of Health.
A certified record of death can only be obtained from the county in which the individual passed away, no matter where he/she was buried. Costs for obtaining birth/death certificates and application procedures may vary from one Health Department to another.
For a birth or death between 1882 – 1920, we may not be able to supply complete information
DeKalb County Health Department220 E 7th Street, Suite 110Auburn, Indiana 46706
Any questions call 260-925-2220
Environmental Health
All complaints must be reported to the Health Department in writing. Complaints can be submitted anonymously. Please use the following form to submit complaints. Complaint Form
Public records are available upon request. Complete the following form and return to our office by mail or fax. Paper copies are also available in the office during business hours. Public Records Request
- Food Establishments
The DeKalb County Health Department Food Division is responsible for permitting and inspecting retail food establishments and temporary food establishments, reviewing plans for food establishments that are opening or remodeling within the county. They are also responsible for conducting food-borne illness investigations and responding to consumer complaints.
- Food Permits: Food Permits are valid January 1 to December 31 for the year they are issued. Renewal deadline is January 31 each year.
Food Permits are non-transferable between operators nor location.
Annual Food Permit Application
- Home Based Vendors
House Enrolled Act 1149 is the current Home Based Vendor (HBV) rule. A HBV may make NON-potentially hazardous foods. They CANNOT make potentially hazardous foods. If you have a question about what is or is not a potentially hazardous food, please contact the DeKalb County Health Department. The following documents explain what HBV are and are not allowed to do, and other requirements.
Indiana Department of Health Guidance Document
- Onsite Sewage Systems (Septic)
The Septic Division is responsible for licensing and inspecting residential on-site sewage disposal systems and plan review of new or replacement systems. Proper design, installation, and maintenance of your septic system can maximize the life of the system. All septic installers in DeKalb County must be registered with the department.
When buying land without public sewer, it is strongly recommended to request septic records for a parcel and/or hire a soil scientist to review the parcel prior to purchase. Not all parcels are suitable for septic systems due to soil characteristics, topography or available space.
The DeKalb County Septic Permit Packet contains a list of steps required to obtain a septic permit. The application is included in the packet. Septic Permit Packet
Tips for maintain your septic system:
- Have the tank pumped regularly (every 3-5 years).
- Monitor water usage to prevent overloading the system.
- Do not drive or park heavy equipment on the absorption field.
- Do not plant trees or shrubs on the absorption field.
- Avoid flushing wipes, objects, or fats, oils, and grease (FOG)
- Do not flush chemicals that could contaminate groundwater.
- Healthy Homes
- Preventing Lead Poisoning
Exposure to lead can lead to developmental issues in children and other health concerns. Homes that were built before lead based paint was banned for residential use in 1978 are most at risk for having lead based paint hazards. More information can be found at https://www.in.gov/health/lead/ & Lead FAQs
- Indoor air quality
Most molds are not hazardous to healthy people. However, each person may have underlying health issues or sensitivities that increase negative health outcomes when exposed to mold. For example, too much exposure to molds may cause or worsen conditions such as asthma, hay fever, and allergies. It is important to remember that these symptoms may not be caused by mold in the home, but possibly by an underlying health condition. The DeKalb County Health Department encourages individuals experiencing respiratory or physical ailments to contact their primary care physician to discuss individual health concerns.
Currently, there are no EPA, State, or local regulations or standards for airborne mold contaminants.
- Housing Complaints
State law recognizes three types of nuisance.
~ Health nuisances are addressed by IC 16-20-1-25, with enforcement by the local health officer.
~ Public nuisances are addressed by IC 35-43-1-2, with enforcement by the local prosecutor.
~ Property nuisances are addressed by IC 32-30-6, with enforcement by the aggrieved party through their personal attorney.
IC 16-20-1-25Unlawful conditions; abatement order; enforcement
Sec. 25. (a) A person shall not institute, permit, or maintain any conditions that may transmit, generate, or promote disease.
(b) A health officer, upon receiving a complaint asserting the existence of unlawful conditions described in subsection (a) within the officer's jurisdiction, shall document the complaint as provided in subsection (d). Upon verifying the information contained in the complaint, the health officer shall order the abatement of those conditions. The order must:
(1) be in writing;
(2) specify the conditions that may transmit disease; and
(3) name the shortest reasonable time for abatement.
(c) If a person refuses or neglects to obey an order issued under this section, the attorney representing the county of the health jurisdiction where the offense occurs shall, upon receiving the information from the health officer, institute proceedings in the courts for enforcement. An order may be enforced by injunction. If the action concerning public health is a criminal offense, a law enforcement authority with jurisdiction over the place where the offense occurred shall be notified.
(d) A complaint made under subsection (b) must include adequate details to allow the health officer to verify the existence of the unlawful conditions that are the subject of the complaint. A health officer shall provide a copy of a complaint upon request to the person who is the subject of the complaint.
[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-1-4-11.]
As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.97-2012, SEC.16; P.L.292-2013, SEC.10; P.L.174-2021, SEC.15.
The law covering Dwellings Unfit for Human Habitation is IC 16-41-20
Open Burning, is enforced by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM).
Open Dumping, is enforced by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM).
Outdoor Storage, is enforced by the DeKalb County Development Services Department under the DeKalb County Unified Development Ordinance, Section 5.33 – 5.35. Items prohibited include inoperable vehicles, building materials, waste or scrap materials, pallets and similar items.
- Animal Bites
Please title this document “Animal Bite Report Form” and keep at the top of the animal bite webpage. State Animal Bite Report
Animal bites can cause serious injury and infection, including rabies. Rabies is deadly in humans. All animal bites and exposures to bats must be reported to the DeKalb County Health Department if the victim lives in DeKalb County.
Although rabies infection is rare in Indiana, it has not been completely eradicated. Indiana law requires all dogs, cats, and ferrets 3 months of age and older be vaccinated against rabies. To be recognized as valid, the rabies vaccine must be administered by a licensed and accredited veterinarian or under the direct supervision of a licensed and accredited veterinarian. Under direct supervision means, the veterinarian is on the premises at the time the vaccine is administered.
Indiana animals considered to be at highest risk of transmitting rabies to humans include bats, skunks, foxes, raccoons, and coyotes. Dogs and cats can also transmit rabies that they have acquired from wildlife. The last case of rabies in a dog in Indiana was 1989, the last case of rabies in a cat was 1984. Your local health department can help you evaluate the risk of rabies following an animal bite.
By law, all animal bites are to be reported to the Local Health Department within 24 hours of the bite occurring.
Rabies Information: https://www.in.gov/rabies/information-about-rabies/
Information about bats: https://www.batcon.org/
- Tattoo and Body Piercing
Tattoo and body piercing facilities in DeKalb County are licensed and inspected according to the DeKalb County Tattoo and Body Piercing Ordinance Tattoo/Piercing Facility Ordinance 2001-6
Patron’s rights must be posted in every facility in a conspicuous place.
Eyelash extension specialists: https://www.in.gov/health/erc/rules-and-guidelines/eyelash-extensions/
410 IAC 1-8 Operation of Facilities where Eyelash Extensions are applied https://www.in.gov/health/erc/files/410-IAC-1.pdf
The Indiana Board of Cosmetology permits all other beauty salons and tanning salons. Complaints regarding these facilities are to be submitted through the Attorney General’s office.
Useful Links
Upcoming Events
- County Commissioners Meeting03/03/258:30 am - 11:59 pm
- Plat Committee Meeting03/04/258:30 am - 11:59 pm
- Drainage Board Meeting03/06/258:30 am - 11:59 pm
- Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA)03/10/256:00 pm - 11:59 pm
- County Council Meeting03/12/259:00 am - 11:59 pm
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 333-0701
- Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm
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Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 927-8876
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- Phone: (260) 925-1824
- Fax:
(260) 927-4795 - Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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County Auditor
- Phone: (260) 925-2362
- Fax:
(260) 925-5948 - Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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- Business: (260) 333-7911
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- Phone: (260) 925-3450
- Fax:
(260) 927-2353 - Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 to 4:00
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Clerk of Courts
- Phone: (260) 925-0912
- Fax:
(260) 925-5126 - Hours: 8:00a.m. to 4:00pm
Child Support: (260) 925-6595
Civil Division: (260) 925-0912
- Fax: (260) 925-5126
Criminal Division: (260) 925-4575
- Fax: (260) 927-4724
Small Claims Division: (260) 925-1315
- Fax: (260) 927-1331
Traffic Division: (260) 925-4576
Voter Registration: (260) 925-9787 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Executive Director
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 333-0710
- Fax:
(260) 927-4779 - Hours: Monday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; Tuesday: 8:00 am - 2:45 pm; Wednesday: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
- Staff Directory
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- Phone: (260) 925-2362
- Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
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- Business: (260) 925-2362
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- Phone: (260) 925-1928
- Fax:
(260) 333-0242 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-2562
- Fax:
(260) 925-3130 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Director/DeKalb County Nurse
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 925-2220
- Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
- Staff Directory
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Highway Superintendent
- Phone: (260) 925-1864
- Fax:
(260) 925-1922 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-1392
- Fax:
(260) 925-9263 - Staff Directory
Contact Us
Chief Probation Officer
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-2400
- Fax:
(260) 925-5942 - Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Staff Directory
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Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-1863
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
- Phone: (260) 925-2112
- Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Last Recording of the Day 4:00 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-3365
- Hours: 8:00 AM-4:00 PM
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District Director
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-5620 x 3
- Hours: 7:30am to 3:30pm
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Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-2222
- Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
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- Business: (260) 925-2712
- Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-0131
- Fax:
(260) 333-0711 - Hours: Hours: MON, TUE, THUR & FRI 8:00AM to 4:00PM by appointment only. Wednesdays are walk ins, first come/first serve, from 8:00AM to 12:00PM.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 925-9787
- Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
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Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 925-0912
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Mailing Address
P.O. Box 6049Auburn, IN 46706
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
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Contact Us
County Courthouse, 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-2712
- Fax:
(260) 925-0060 - Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
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Director of Human Resources
Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 333-0701 x 4100
- Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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Director/Zoning Administrator
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-1923
- Fax:
(260) 927-4791 - Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 927-2356
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Director/Zoning Administrator
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-1923
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Staff Directory
Contact Us
Auburn, IN 46706
- Phone: (260) 925-3021
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m.
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Auburn, IN 46706
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- Business: (260) 925-9787
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Auburn, IN 46706
- Business: (260) 333-0701 x 4454
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- Business: (260) 333-0701 x 4980
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