Where is the Treasurer’s office located?
We’re located on the second floor of DeKalb County Courthouse-100 S. Main Street, Auburn
Please use the North (7th street) entrance and remember no cell phones or weapons can be brought in.
I don’t want to go through Courthouse Security to pay my taxes. What are other payment options?
Click HERE for alternate payment options.
What banks will accept my property tax payments?
Several local banks throughout our community accept payments including Garrett State Bank, Horizon, Farmers & Merchants and Community State Bank. Click HERE for a complete list.
How can I reduce my tax bill?
There are a number of credits and exemptions available to qualifying taxpayers. The Auditor’s office can provide additional information about deductions at 260-925-2362. Another way to reduce your taxes is to ensure that the assessed value of your property is correct. The Assessor’s office can provide you with information about the assessment and appeal procedures at 260-925-1824.
Who do I contact if I feel the assessed value of my property is too high or too low?
The Assessor’s office handles the valuations of property in DeKalb County. Their office number is 260-925-1824.
What are other assessments?
These are additional charges added to your property tax bill. Generally they are ditch & drain maintenance fees but could also include liens and other fees. Other assessments are shown on table 4 of the comparison statement that came with your bill. For more information about drains, please contact the County Surveyor's Office at 260-925-2222.
I am tax-exempt do I still have to pay other assessments?
YES. Often owners of tax exempt real estate ignore bills which are received as a result of drainage assessments. Drainage assessments must be paid by all landowners even if the owner is exempt from real property taxes. While the drainage assessments are listed on the same form as tax bills, they are not "taxes" as the term is normally understood. They are user charges for the maintenance and/or reconstruction of regulated drains which directly or indirectly serve a parcel of real estate. Pursuant to IC 36-9-27-86, drainage fees are collected semi-annually in the same manner as real property taxes. For more information about drains, please contact the County Surveyor's Office at 260-925-2222.
My mortgage company is supposed to pay my bill through escrow. Why did I receive the bill?
Beginning in 2008, Indiana Code requires an informational tax statement to be mailed to all persons liable for any property taxes or special assessments, as shown on the tax duplicate or special assessment records. This includes persons maintaining an escrow account.
How do I know if my mortgage company is going to pay my taxes?
The only sure way to know is to contact your mortgage company. Keep in mind there will be a lag between the time the money is deducted from your escrow and the time it is finally sent to the Treasurer for payment.
Does signing up for e-billing affect my mortgage company escrow?
No, by signing up for e-billing you will receive your property tax statement electronically rather than by mail. Your mortgage company will still be able to process their escrow payments as they usually do.
I paid off my mortgage. What do I do next?
Congratulations on paying off your mortgage! Tax statements are mailed once per year and include the spring and fall payment coupons. We offer several payment options for you to choose from including creating an online self-managed escrow account. Click HERE to see the variety of payment options that are available.
I recently bought or sold property. Who is responsible for paying the taxes?
That is usually covered during closing, however, if you are unsure you should check with the Title Company, Lawyer or Real Estate Agent that handled the sale.
I purchased property that was split from another parcel. How do I know how much to pay?
The Treasurer’s office does not do any calculating for splitting tax bills, therefore, this will need to be worked out between the buyer and the seller. When paying the tax bill you will be required to tell the Treasurer’s office staff the amount you are paying towards the specific parcel number.
How do I add or remove a name from my tax bill?
The name on a real estate tax bill is the name of the deed holder. You need to contact the DeKalb County Auditor's Office (260-925-2362) to learn about the legal steps you must follow to change the deed.
I received a personal property tax bill for business property that I no longer own. Do I have to pay the bill?
If you were the owner of the property the prior year and filed the personal property return or the assessor made an assessment in your name because you failed to file the personal property assessment, you are responsible for the taxes. Your tax bill may be for prior years' taxes that were unpaid. Failure to pay the taxes will result in a demand notice being issued. Failure to pay the taxes after the demand notice is issued will result in the taxes being certified to the Clerk of the Courts. If you have questions concerning the assessment, you should contact the DeKalb County Assessor's Office at 260-925-1824.
What do I have to do to get a mobile home title transfer permit or moving permit?
Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-7-10, anyone who wants to transfer title (ownership) of a mobile home or to move a mobile home from one location to another must obtain a mobile home tax clearance permit. This permit is issued by the County Treasurer's Office of the county where the mobile home is located. You must have this permit before going to the Bureau of Motor Vehicle to transfer title. For additional information on obtaining a permit click HERE.
I got a bill for a mobile home that I no longer own. Do I have to pay the bill?
If the mobile home park turned in your name as residing at a specific mobile home on January 1st of the current year, you are responsible for the taxes that are due. Your tax bill may be for prior years' taxes that were unpaid. Failure to pay the taxes will result in a demand notice being issued. Failure to pay the taxes after the demand notice is issued will result in the taxes being certified to the Clerk of the Courts. If you have questions concerning the assessment, you should contact the DeKalb County Assessor's Office at 260-925-1824.
I never received my tax bill. What do I do?
Visit our LOW Tax website by clicking HERE to print a tax bill or you can call our office at 260-925-2712 for the amount of your tax bill.
How do I change my mailing address?
You can update the address on the front of your payment coupon when mailing in your payment. Please include your phone number. There is also a change of mailing address form available by clicking HERE. Complete the form and email back to us at
Why is there a penalty on my statement? I know I paid on time last year.
Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-37.10, payment is considered on time when postmarked by the U.S. Post Office on or before the installment due date. "Postmarked" does not mean the date printed by a postage meter that affixes postage to the envelope or package containing a payment. All envelopes that are received late are saved by the office for 1 year.
How do I verify that my payment was received?
Visit our Beacon website by clicking HERE to view payments received or you can call our office at 260-925-2712 for payment details.
My taxes were overpaid. How do I get a refund?
Twice a year after spring and fall settlement takes place, letters notifying taxpayers of surplus funds greater than $5.00 are sent out from the Treasurer’s office. The letter contains the amount of overpayment and instructions about how to claim the refund. Refunds may take 4-6 weeks once the Auditor’s office receives the completed claim form.
Do you accept partial payments towards my property tax bill?
Yes, you may pay any amount towards your tax bill. Spring and fall installments must be paid in full by the due dates to avoid penalty.
What happens if my check bounces?
Once the county is notified of an NSF check, the original payment is reversed. A $25.00 NSF fee will be charged per parcel to the taxpayer. After the due date, any unpaid taxes will be subject to penalty.
If I pay my taxes after the due date, what happens?
If there are no prior delinquencies a 5% penalty will be added if paid within 30 days of the due date. A 10% penalty will be added if there are prior delinquencies or payment is received more than 30 days after due date. Please call our office at 260-925-2712 to get the updated balance due.
Why didn’t I get a notice that my taxes were delinquent?
Tax statements are mailed one time per year. Each statement has a spring and fall coupon which indicate the due dates. We do not send delinquent notices.
I got a notice that my income tax refund was intercepted for delinquent taxes. What do I do?
If the delinquent taxes are not paid in the Treasurer’s office by the deadline, the clearing house will charge $20.00 and the Department of Revenue will impose a 15% fee; the treasurer receives only the balance up to the amount of outstanding debt. To learn more about TRECS click HERE.
What’s the difference between Tax Sale and Sheriff’s Sale?
The Treasurer’s office conducts one tax sale per year for parcels with delinquent property taxes. Sheriff’s sales are a result of mortgage foreclosure. They occur numerous times throughout the year and are conducted by the County Sheriff.
When will my property become eligible for tax sale?
Any delinquent taxes or special assessments from last year’s spring installment that remain unpaid will cause your property to become eligible for tax sale. Click HERE for additional information about tax sales.
What’s the minimum I can pay to get my property off tax sale?
Once a parcel is eligible for tax sale, all delinquent taxes, penalties and the tax sale fee must be paid in order to remove the parcel from tax sale.
I have questions about DeKalb County local income taxes affecting my payroll. Who do I talk to?
The Treasurer’s office collects property taxes. Please contact the Indiana Department of Revenue with local income tax questions. 317-233-8729
Contact Us

- Business: (260) 925-2712
- Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Staff Directory