Payments may be dropped off on the North side of the courthouse. The box is available 24/7 with no postage required. Please include your payment coupons and a phone number on your check.


  • When paying, it is extremely important for property owners/payers to include the original tax statement(s)
  • Payments are posted to the oldest tax amounts due first
  • The Treasurer’s Office accepts partial payments for taxes at any time in any amount, however, any unpaid balance that remains as of the due date will be subject to penalties
  • If paying after the due date please call the Treasurer's Office for an updated balance due

  • There will be a $25 fee charged per parcel for any payment returned from the bank

  • Any payment made is non-refundable, in whole or part, once the payment has been processed. Any parcel with an over payment (surplus) will be processed after the settlement cycle
  • Failure to receive tax statement by mail does not relieve taxpayers of their responsibility for payment and penalties when delinquent