The Treasurer’s office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30a-4:30p and is located on the second floor of the courthouse. Please note-due to increased courthouse security you will need to use the North entrance off 7th street. Cell phones & weapons are prohibited from being brought inside the building. Payments can be made in person by cash, check, money order and cashier’s check.  Credit card payments are NOT accepted in the office.


When paying in person, it is extremely important for property owners/payers to bring the original tax statement(s).  There is a $1.00 duplicate bill fee charged per parcel if you fail to bring your tax bill(s).

It’s the taxpayer’s responsibility to know how many parcels they have and to verify that they’re all paid.  Having the Treasurer’s office staff perform parcel searches is not a guaranteed method of finding properties. Tax information can be viewed/researched online by clicking HERE

Payments are posted to the oldest tax amounts due first.

The Treasurer’s Office accepts partial payments for taxes at any time in any amount, however, any unpaid balance that remains as of the due date will be subject to penalties.

There will be a $25 fee charged per parcel if a payment is returned from the bank.

If paying after the due date please call the Treasurer's Office for an updated balance due.

Any payment made is non-refundable, in whole or part, once the payment has been processed. Any parcel with an over payment (surplus) will be processed after the settlement cycle.

Failure to receive tax statement by mail does not relieve taxpayers of their responsibility for payment and penalties when delinquent.